graue Schachtel

Revierpark Wischlingen

Experience the Park & Learn about Nature in Dortmund

Discover nature from different perspectives and treat yourself to a break by the lake!

Welcome to Revierpark Wischlingen. Here you'll find a large lake, shady paths for strolling, and plenty of recreational activities. Cozy benches along accessible paths and areas invite everyone. Children of all ages seek adventures at the new water playground, which is worth a visit not only on hot days! Around the large pond, there is much to explore. With the help of experts, we have redesigned and replanted it, creating an important habitat for many animals and plant species. Which animals can you discover there now?

Große Lauschtrichter bilden eine Erlebnisstation des Natur-Loops
The funnels - one station at the Nature Trail in Wischlingen © RVR/Drees

Orientation in the park

The Wischlingen Recreational Park in Dortmund, known as “Revierpark Wischlingen”, covers an area of 39 hectares, which is the size of about 55 soccer fields.

To ensure a comfortable visit, here are some helpful information about accessible footpaths, leisure activities for everyone, public transport and parking.


Grafischer Lageplan mit Legende von WC, Parkplätzen und weiteren besonderen Standorten
site plan Wischlingen

Revierpark Wischlingen
Höfkerstr. 12
44149 Dortmund

Icon mit Auge. Im Hintergrund mit hellgrauen Streifen

Relax and savour your Nature Experience

Variety for Humans...

You can understand nature best when you're right in the middle of it. Exploring the large Nature Trail and participating in other interactive activities will not only make you smarter but also provide lots of fun!

Our Green Room is open to everyone. It serves as your classroom, meeting room, and living room in nature. “Learning about nature in nature”, is the motto. It's a place for experimenting, discovering, and resting.

Großer See mit Uferbepflanzung mitten im Revierpark
Lake in Wischlingen © RVR/Dreyße
Im Revierpark Gysenberg in Herne.
Discovering Nature in the Revierparks © RVR/Wiciok

Our Park-App: Mission R

Would you like to explore the park as an agent?

Embark on an exciting mission in our app "Mission R"!

Here you'll find additional information and games about Revierpark Wischlingen.

You still got some questions?

You're invited to join our free guided tours in the park. Explore natural sights and learn interesting facts from our expert Leonie Wenning. Visit our weekly "Open House": every Thursday from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you! Our meeting point is the Green Room.

grüne Schachtel

You have to see this!

With its vibrant meadows, ancient trees, and the presence of a lake, Revierpark Wischlingen provides a diverse habitat for numerous bird species. 

Our enormous Nature Trail takes you through the park! Discover the fascinating animal and plant life at 10 exciting stations!

Its proximity to the Hallerey nature reserve also makes it an intriguing location for birdwatching.

Reiher und Kormoran im Wasser. Sitzen auf einem Ast.

Nature-Trail in Wischlingen


Wellness & Water Fun

Sole- und Allwetterbad Wischlingen


Ecological enhancement and biodiversity

We live in a time when not only awareness of environmental issues has increased, but also our understanding of the importance of local ecosystems such as forests, biodiverse grasslands, and natural water bodies. The main objective of the "Revierparks 2020" project was the active revitalisation and ecological remediation of the existing park areas. By afforestation and renaturation, it is possible to protect native plant and animal species and create optimal habitats for them. Therefore, we actively exploit existing potentials to protect regional biodiversity (including the various life forms and habitats, as well as the genetic diversity within species) and to strengthen it with regard to climate changes.

One of the core topics of our project was the de-paving of unused spaces and the re-transformation of these areas to natural growth habitats. The immense vegetation areas that have been adapted to current and future climate changes are impressive. 

Across all five parks, an impressive total of 22,140 square meters have been reclaimed and now serve as new habitats for animals and plants.

This not only has a positive effect on the park's climate but also on the surrounding neighbourhoods.

In the “Revierpark Wischlingen” alone, approximately 4,020 square meters have been returned to nature through the removal of unused paths, paved surfaces, and walls. The creation of ecologically valuable small biotopes, the seeding of species-rich flower meadows, and the planting of natural hedges and forest edges are further tangible measures that have been implemented on a significant scale in the five Revierparks.

In the Revierpark Wischlingen alone, 72 trees were planted. Some of them form a mixed orchard, serving as a habitat and food source for insects and birds.

Solitary shrubs are suitable for individual placement. In the Revierpark Wischlingen, 45 of them were planted at selected points from the perspective of nature and species conservation. Additionally, there are approximately 3,270 square meters of insect-friendly perennial areas and approximately 95,700 bulb and tuber plants, which also provide a solid food source for a variety of insect species with their abundant blossoms. The approximately 23,660 square meters of flowering meadows in the Revierpark Wischlingen also provide long-term nourishment, nesting material, and more for local birds and insects.

Do you know what a brushwood hedge is? Brushwood hedges, in German called “Benjeshecken”, provide shelter and food for birds and other animals. With their droppings and food reserves, they accelerate the spread of woody plants through seed dispersal. A similar process occurs with the colonisation of plants at forest edges.

Pure nature, indeed. That's why we have planted approximately 2,360 square meters of these hedges in the Revierpark Wischlingen.

In addition, the existing pond areas in Wischlingen have been sustainably enhanced. Through thoughtful replanting and carefully planned shoreline structures, these areas now provide optimal living conditions and an ideal habitat for many species.

However, what good are the best concepts for the preservation and promotion of biodiversity without a concomitant understanding among park visitors? For this reason, recreational activities have been created that are not only in line with the aims of ecological enhancement but also raise awareness among visitors for a mindful and appreciative interaction with nature.

Nature Trails that focus on the specific themes of the parks and the resident wildlife and plant species, as well as numerous opportunities for experiencing nature, open the door for park guests to develop a greater awareness of our native flora and fauna. Visitors in Wischlingen explore the entire park on the 10-station Nature Trail, where they not only have a lot of puzzle bliss but also learn interesting facts about various animal and plant species in our local ecosystems.

The Revierstrand © RVR/Drees
The Lake © RVR/Drees
Showcase Nature - a discovery station of the Nature trail © RVR/Drees