graue Schachtel

Revierpark Nienhausen

Your Water Park in Gelsenkirchen

Welcome to Revierpark Nienhausen, the water park for the whole family.

Whether splashing, playing in the mud, or experiencing "Kneipping" – everything here revolves around the element of water. Experience water with all your senses.


Experience the healthy effects of cold water in our Kneipp basin. Or take a walk on the healthy paths in the Kneipp garden. Feel nature beneath your feet on the barefoot path. And find tranquility at many inviting seating areas. The youngest visitors can seek their adventure at the new playground with various balance and climb facilities or at the large water playground. A new multifunctional sports field for activities such as basketball and football are also available for you. On top of this, in the Calisthenics gym, you can train different muscles using your own body weight. For a quieter experience, head to the boules court. Meet up with friends and end the day with a game. For the best view, visit the lookout point. You'll find it at the top of the hill.

Abenteuerspielplatz mit Rutsche, Balancier- und Kletterelementen
New adventure playground © RVR/I. Badde

Orientation in the park

The Nienhausen Recreational Park in Gelsenkirchen, known as “Revierpark Nienhausen”, covers an area of 38 hectares, which is the size of about 54 soccer fields.

To ensure a comfortable visit, here are some helpful information about accessible footpaths, leisure activities for everyone, public transport and parking.


Lageplan mit diversen Standorten wie WC, Gastronomie und Legende
site plan Nienhausen


Revierpark Nienhausen
Feldmarkstr. 201
45883 Gelsenkirchen

Icon mit Auge. Im Hintergrund mit hellgrauen Streifen

Relax and savour your Nature Experience

Variety for Humans...

You can understand nature best when you're right in the middle of it. Exploring the Bee and Water Trails and participating in other interactive activities will not only make you smarter but also provide lots of fun!

...and Diversity for Nature…

Did you know that a traditional orchard not only provides delicious fruits but also serves as a habitat for many insects and birds?

Ein Kind geht den Barfußpfad im Revierpark Nienhausen.
Barefoot path in Nienhausen © RVR/Wiciok
Auf dem Foto sieht man den Start des Bienen-Loops mit einer Holz-Skulptur einer Biene, deren Flügel Besuchende bewegen können.
Bee trail © RVR/Wiciok

You still got some questions?

You're invited to join our free guided tours in the park. Explore natural sights and learn interesting facts from our experts. Visit our monthly "Open House": every first Wednesday of the month from 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you! The meeting point is the water playground (if it´s rainy we meet at the Club Room).

blaue Schachtel

On the tracks of the wild and honey bees

Visit the Bee Trail and learn how valuable the fruit meadow is for insects.

At the "Artenreich Feuchtwiese," (wetlands) everything revolves around water again.

Many insects require a moist habitat. You can also learn more about this topic in the large Water Trail!

Bienenzuechter stellen sich vor

Bee- and Water-Loop


health, well-being & fitness

Gesundheitspark Nienhausen


Ecological enhancement and biodiversity

We live in a time when not only awareness of environmental issues has increased, but also our understanding of the importance of local ecosystems such as forests, biodiverse grasslands, and natural water bodies. The main objective of the "Revierparks 2020" project was the active revitalisation and ecological remediation of the existing park areas. By afforestation and renaturation, it is possible to protect native plant and animal species and create optimal habitats for them. Therefore, we actively exploit existing potentials to protect regional biodiversity (including the various life forms and habitats, as well as the genetic diversity within species) and to strengthen it with regard to climate changes.

One of the core topics of our project was the de-paving of unused spaces and the re-transformation of these areas to natural growth habitats. The immense vegetation areas that have been adapted to current and future climate changes are impressive. 

Across all five parks, an impressive total of 22,140 square meters have been reclaimed and now serve as new habitats for animals and plants.

This not only has a positive effect on the park's climate but also on the surrounding neighbourhoods.

In the “Revierpark Nienhausen” alone, approximately 2,210 square meters have been re-turned to nature through the removal of unused paths, paved surfaces, and walls. The creation of ecologically valuable small biotopes, the seeding of species-rich flower meadows, and the planting of natural hedges and forest edges are further tangible measures that have been implemented on a significant scale in the five Revierparks.

In the Revierpark Nienhausen alone, 69 individual trees were planted in spring and autumn 2022, as well as in spring 2023. Among them, 19 form an orchard serving as a habitat and food source for insects and birds.

Additionally, approximately 5,300 square meters of insect-friendly flower and perennial areas were established, along with around 32,850 bulb and tuber plants that provide a solid food source with their abundant blossoms for a variety of insect species. The approximately 15,330 square meters of flowering meadows, edges, and clearings in the Revierpark Nienhausen also offer long-term nourishment, nesting material, and more for local birds and insects.

Do you know what a brushwood hedge is? Brushwood hedges, in German called “Benjeshecken”, provide shelter and food for birds and other animals. With their droppings and food reserves, they accelerate the spread of woody plants through seed dispersal. A similar process occurs with the colonisation of plants at forest edges.

Pure nature, indeed. Therefore, we have strategically planted additional 189 trees and 2,700 shrubs in Revierpark Nienhausen for a sustainable mixed reforestation.

Also in the “Revierpark Nienhausen”, extensive rainwater retention systems, including basins and infiltration trenches, were created to ensure a sustainable distribution of rainwater. The-se systems now contribute to watering - among others - the 19 newly planted fruit trees. This is a further step towards achieving the mentioned aims.

However, what good are the best concepts for the preservation and promotion of biodiversity without a concomitant understanding among park visitors? For this reason, recreational activities have been created that are not only in line with the aims of ecological enhancement but also raise awareness among visitors for a mindful and appreciative interaction with nature. Nature Trail that focus on the specific themes of the parks and the resident wildlife and plant species, as well as numerous opportunities for experiencing nature, open the door for park guests to develop a greater awareness of our native flora and fauna. In Nienhausen, the Nature Trail provides visitors with insights into the life and habitat of our local bees.

Blühende Blumenwiese mit roten, weißen und roten Blüten
New flower meadow in Nienhausen © RVR/I. Badde